Edited on Tue Jan-25-05 12:59 PM by Selteri
When I went through sex ed just a bit more than 15 years ago. I asked lots of questions and rather than look up the answers I was shoved aside.
In Private School, which I attended up to the 6th grade, did not discuss sex other than basically stating that every act lead to consequences and only told us three. Pregnant, Infectious or Dead.
On a semi related subject - In Public Schools they pushed DARE at me, throwing out things that I can honestly say are partially or completely a lie, including that Marijuana kills countless people - With no death ever attributed to Marijuana that isn't tained by poisons at 0 it is indeed countless.
In Private School I was shown horror films and ranted about how this stuff lead both down the path of sin and corruption and that it would also lead to Pregnancy, Disease and Death before going to hell. I even saw a really low budget 30s type film where some guy takes a puff from a joint, hallucinates he's a werewolf and proceeds to slaughter a party.
At present Toledo Ohio is Spewing Abstenance Edutainment for it's Public and many of it's private schools though, surprisingly, one Catholic High School is teaching normal sex ed, too bad it's too seniors so it's a bit late.
Common Sense, I find as I get older, is not online neither Common nor Sense; but, truly amazing when people react to seeing it applied as though it were some miraculious contrivance. Perhaps this explains the Bush Voter.
(Edit for spelling)