ABC Reporti!newly released numbers from Bush.$800MIL to pay Polish Troops
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:40 PM
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ABC Reporti!newly released numbers from Bush.$800MIL to pay Polish Troops |
as Mercenaries fighting for USA! That's what stood that a huge amount of money is to replace Military Equipment such as the "defective armour"(my spin) stuff that the military needs to keep functioning in Iraq.
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:41 PM
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1. I feel like I'm living in a Camus novel, |
things just get weirder and weirder.
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:44 PM
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Way to support our troops georgie boy! I support the U.S. troops, bush and co. obviously don't.
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Mon Sep-08-03 06:02 PM
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Another Camus fan here:hi:
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Mon Sep-08-03 07:13 PM
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:44 PM
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Polish mercenaries, eh? What, were no Prussians available?
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:46 PM
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5. von Steuben -- we hardly knew ye |
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:44 PM
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4. hahahahaha thats hillarious |
Edited on Mon Sep-08-03 05:46 PM by Kamika
They OUTSOURCED the soldiers !!!
Rumsfeldt: Hey guys its cheaper if we hire polish soldiers instead of americans
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Mon Sep-08-03 05:59 PM
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6. The coalition of the................. |
bought and paid for. Coalition of the willing my ass. Yet the Chimp will still get away with the lies, no one will remember this next week. Just another forgotten lie from the administration that was going to bring "dignitude" back to the White House.
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Mon Sep-08-03 06:01 PM
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7. Coalition of the billing |
That "willing" was just a typo. As long as Uncle Sam provides cash up front, a lot of nations are willing to supply a few mercenaries.
And if you're wondering how well a bunch of Polish soldiers are going to integrate with the American forces, well . . . just remember we're getting them for the bargain price of $800 million!
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Mon Sep-08-03 06:04 PM
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9. Coalition of the Greedy! ...........and |
This is DISGUSTING! My tax dollar to pay WAR MERCENARIES....because CHIMP/PNAC decided to Invade an Occupy a country whose Dictator they CREATED AND FUNDED????????
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Mon Sep-08-03 07:18 PM
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11. OMIG, we are living in the Twilight Zone. |
Edited on Mon Sep-08-03 07:23 PM by ignatius
How much longer until this insanity stops?
Me to rest of world...He is not my president!!!!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:05 AM
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