"In one chapter, he takes the reader on a walking tour of God in Washington, DC--noting all the public spaces in the capital where the Almighty is acknowledged. For instance, there are images of the Ten Commandments in the National Archives, the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. Gingrich would like to see more of this, and he believes that God in public life will be an issue in the next presidential election. Arnie Arnesen, a friend of mine who has a great radio talk show in New Hampshire, tells me that she recently interviewed Gingrich and asked him what would be the hot topic of the 2008 race. "Under God," he replied.
Gingrich has tried to fuel speculation that he may run for president in 2008. It's good for book sales. But can a fellow who left his first wife when she had cancer and who then engaged in an adulterous affair while he was Speaker of the House really compete in the GOP primaries? What about those so-called values voters?"
http://www.davidcorn.com/2005/01/how_newt_left_w.phpI hope he even wins the republican nomination. I want the hypocrisy of "values-voters" forced down their illiterate racist gay-hating throats, and I want to watch as they choke on it, while they and their children become more and more destitute. I especially want to be there 20 years later, when the inkling of sane thought strikes them: "Huh, maybe being a republican wasn't such a good idea after all."
Corn's piece is of course only about Gingrich. I'm just saying that Gingrich and his ilk are only the *symptom* of the root problem: the people. Just like Congress abdicated its war-declaring responsibility in favor of gdub, so too has (a large amount of) the American voter abdicated its responsibility to think, to care, to be good and improving people in favor of whatever the snakeoil salesmen feel like giving them. If you fix the people, the hateful republican agenda won't be able to gain any traction, and the hateful republican politicians will go away, and be replaced by decent people. We may still *disagree* with those new Republicans on a great many matters - but we would at least be able to agree that they have genuinely decent motives, and are sincerely attempting to help the country progress. Fix the people, I say.
Rant over - we return now to previously scheduled programming, already in progress...