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Right to life -- Iraqis have it too

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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-05 03:48 PM
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Right to life -- Iraqis have it too
Right to Life
Iraqis have it, too
by Sgt. Kevin Benderman

I have come to the conclusion that the Creator does not want us to fight wars or to leave our brothers to die in hunger or disease, for we have been given the things we need to provide all men on the planet what they need to get by with in the world. I have been led to question some things about myself that I could change to better myself as a man.


I have learned that I have done things that are not to the benefit of mankind and that to continue in that vein would be detrimental to my growth as a human being. And now that I have seen the errors of my ways, wouldn't it be prudent to change the way I conduct myself? Why should I continue what I see as self-destructive behavior? And why should I continue a way of life that does nothing to alleviate some problems that have plagued humanity for far too long? If a drug addict learns that the drugs are killing him, then he is expected to stop using drugs. That leads me to ask the question, "If what I am doing is killing me spiritually, why should I continue?"

Some people claim that war brings peace. If that is the case, then why do we not have peace in the world? There have been wars as long as I have been alive, and yet we still have no true peace in the world. We are taught in school that we have had the American Revolution and the two World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Grenada, Beirut, the Persian Gulf War, and now Operation Iraqi Freedom, and my question is, "When will it be enough?"


And if all men are equal, why I am facing the possibility of seven years in federal prison because I do not want to kill another human being?

Emphasis on the last paragraph mine. The whole piece was moving but the last paragraph made me want to cry.

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Bouncy Ball Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-05 03:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow.
Fan-freaking-tastic piece of reflection on the part of this man.

I applaud him. And totally agree. Very moving, thank you so much for posting that here. He has a good point--if wars bring peace, shouldn't we have had it a long time ago?

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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-05 04:09 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I applaud him, too
As the wife of a soldier, I cannot possibly imagine how difficult it was to decide to face jail time instead of returning to Iraq, especially if he has a family.
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