1998 the budget was in surplus but only because of the Soc Security surplus - so debt was issued to Soc Security and the National Debt grew. In 99 and 2000 the Soc Sec surplus was less than the total Budget surplus, so National Debt actually decrease those calendar years (amazing to find calendar year data as the Bush administration has taken it off all administration GAO sites and you must pull spreadsheets! The Fiscal report (year ending 9/30) only NO Nation Debt decrease year under Clinton because Bush pulled 2001 expense into 2000 so as to accomplish that feat!
Table 1.
Revenues, Outlays, Deficits, Surpluses, and Debt Held by the Public, 1962 to 2004
(Billions of dollars)
Deficit (-) or Surplus
Held by
the Publica
Revenues Outlays On-
Budget Social
Security Postal
Service Total
1962 99.7 106.8 -5.9 -1.3 n.a. -7.1 248.0
1963 106.6 111.3 -4.0 -0.8 n.a. -4.8 254.0
1964 112.6 118.5 -6.5 0.6 n.a. -5.9 256.8
1965 116.8 118.2 -1.6 0.2 n.a. -1.4 260.8
1966 130.8 134.5 -3.1 -0.6 n.a. -3.7 263.7
1967 148.8 157.5 -12.6 4.0 n.a. -8.6 266.6
1968 153.0 178.1 -27.7 2.6 n.a. -25.2 289.5
1969 186.9 183.6 -0.5 3.8 n.a. 3.2 278.1
1970 192.8 195.7 -8.7 5.9 n.a. -2.8 283.2
1971 187.1 210.2 -26.1 3.0 n.a. -23.0 303.0
1972 207.3 230.7 -26.1 3.1 -0.4 -23.4 322.4
1973 230.8 245.7 -15.2 0.5 -0.2 -14.9 340.9
1974 263.2 269.4 -7.2 1.8 -0.8 -6.1 343.7
1975 279.1 332.3 -54.1 2.0 -1.1 -53.2 394.7
1976 298.1 371.8 -69.4 -3.2 -1.1 -73.7 477.4
1977 355.6 409.2 -49.9 -3.9 0.2 -53.7 549.1
1978 399.6 458.7 -55.4 -4.3 0.5 -59.2 607.1
1979 463.3 504.0 -39.6 -2.0 0.9 -40.7 640.3
1980 517.1 590.9 -73.1 -1.1 0.4 -73.8 711.9
1981 599.3 678.2 -73.9 -5.0 -0.1 -79.0 789.4
1982 617.8 745.7 -120.6 -7.9 0.6 -128.0 924.6
1983 600.6 808.4 -207.7 0.2 -0.3 -207.8 1,137.3
1984 666.5 851.9 -185.3 0.3 -0.4 -185.4 1,307.0
1985 734.1 946.4 -221.5 9.4 -0.1 -212.3 1,507.3
1986 769.2 990.4 -237.9 16.7 * -221.2 1,740.6
1987 854.4 1,004.1 -168.4 19.6 -0.9 -149.7 1,889.8
1988 909.3 1,064.5 -192.3 38.8 -1.7 -155.2 2,051.6
1989 991.2 1,143.8 -205.4 52.4 0.3 -152.6 2,190.7
1990 1,032.0 1,253.1 -277.7 58.2 -1.6 -221.1 2,411.6
1991 1,055.0 1,324.3 -321.5 53.5 -1.3 -269.3 2,689.0
1992 1,091.3 1,381.6 -340.4 50.7 -0.7 -290.3 2,999.7
1993 1,154.4 1,409.5 -300.4 46.8 -1.4 -255.1 3,248.4
1994 1,258.6 1,461.9 -258.9 56.8 -1.1 -203.2 3,433.1
1995 1,351.8 1,515.8 -226.4 60.4 2.0 -164.0 3,604.4
1996 1,453.1 1,560.5 -174.1 66.4 0.2 -107.5 3,734.1
1997 1,579.3 1,601.2 -103.3 81.3 * -21.9 3,772.3
1998 1,721.8 1,652.6 -30.0 99.4 -0.2 69.2 3,721.1
1999 1,827.5 1,701.9 1.9 124.7 -1.0 125.5 3,632.4
2000 2,025.2 1,789.1 86.3 151.8 -2.0 236.2 3,409.8
2001 1,991.2 1,863.0 -32.5 163.0 -2.3 128.2 3,319.6
2002 1,853.2 2,011.0 -317.5 159.0 0.7 -157.8 3,540.4
2003 1,782.3 2,159.9 -538.4 155.6 5.2 -377.6 3,913.4
2004 1,880.1 2,292.2 -567.4 151.1 4.1 -412.1 4,295.5
Source: Congressional Budget Office.
Note: n.a. = not applicable; * = between -$50 million and $50 million.
a. End of year.
ON A FISCAL YEAR BASIS -ENDING 9/30 - BUSH PULLED 2001 EXPENSE INTO 2000 so as to never show a decrease in National Debt!