Republicans already have a petition going to get the Democrat Shelly removed!
We can't let this happen!
Kevin Shelley has been an outspoken critic of electronic voting systems that have been sold and entrusted to California voters for their elections. These systems have been tested by computer scientists and are said to be lacking in the most basic security standards, leaving an open window for vote manipulation. Shelley has been standing up to the E-voting manufacturers and demanding accountability and reliability of the machines California has purchased, decertifying Diebold equipment in all counties using one type of their touchscreen system.
Could it be, that Shelley is paying the political price for having integrity in his public service? He has come under such a multitude of attacks in the last few weeks, ranging from sexual harassment to laundered campaign donations, it seems a little strange that all this dirt is turning up - one after another. When stories like this come out - somebody has to go digging for it and for a reason. I don't know if the allegations are true or not, but one thing seems apparent, that someone is going after Shelley - but who and why?