in one place you want to closely define WMDs to only be nuclear
weapons... to support your stmt that the US is the only government
to use WMDs, then in another place, you want to put conventional
weapons such as cluster bombs in the category of WMD so that you
can support your stmt that the US has used WMDs against Iraq.
OK. Sure thing.
We are NOT the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, not by a long
shot. You are simply wrong on this point. US has some 8,000 operational nuke warheads in it's current
arsenal... Russia (not including former Soviet states) has 8,600
operational warheads and some TEN THOUSAND more which could be
made operational again (or be completely dismantled as called for
by signed treaties).
The Japanese attacked Pearl to eliminate our ability to interfere
with their plans to invade other Pacific rim targets, namely the
Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, and possibly Australia. They
"needed" to invade these countries to gain access to various resources.
But I don't think I care to debate someone who believes that the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was "far more valid" than our invasion
of Iraq. Both were wrong. One was done as a sneak attack with no
warning, one was covered by the world press including the delivery
of various hollow ultimatums.