But let's spend $1.5B to build an embassy in Baghdad. Evidently Halliburton does not make such a system to protect U.S. passengers, or the administration would be all over it.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. anti-missile technology is still too costly to install on America's passenger airlines to guard against Al Qaeda using shoulder-fired missiles to shoot down the planes, according to a study on Tuesday.
Laser-based jammer technology, used mainly in military aircraft to thwart shoulder-fired missile attacks, is not yet practical to use on commercial airplanes, said the study by RAND Corp., a non-profit research organization.
The report said it would cost about $11 billion plus about $2.1 billion a year in operational costs to install missile countermeasures on the nation's 6,800 commercial aircraft.
"Given the significant costs involved with operating countermeasures based upon current technology, we believe a decision to install such systems aboard commercial airliners should be postponed until the technologies can be developed and shown to be more compatible in a commercial environment," RAND said in its report.
"Al Qaeda and its affiliates have both the motive and the means to bring down U.S. commercial aircraft with shoulder-fired missiles," the study said.http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20050125/bs_nm/security_missiles_dc_2