in a drug or alcohol related crime? I am pretty clueless, obviously, so please don't laugh, but I'm trying to build an argument for more mental health funding and figure if drug and alcohol treatment is paid for, even in part, by the gov't that would make a compelling argument for general memtal health funding. For some reason I remember friends back in talking about having to go to inpatient tx after getting busted and I know they had no money to pay for it, was it maybe added to court costs and they made payments or something? I know that domestic violence abusers have to take an anger-management class that they pay for themselves (and rightly should, in my opinion, abusing is not an impulse-control disorder, they can usually control themselves just fine out in public. usually.)
I was thinking that if in fact D/A tx is supplemented in full or in part, then it is profoundly unfair that say, those with anorexia or bulimia, which are life-threatening disorders, are unable to afford treatment, either in or outpatient (inpatient runs about 10000/mo). There are of course many other examples of needed tx, but I'm just using this one bc an acquaintance really should be hospitalized, she is dangerously thin, and wants help, but can't afford anything beyond a bi weekly counselor.
I know MH funding will only be reduced further in this admin (especially if they're trying to emulate raygun) but I'm going to try on the local level. why the heck not?