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Tell Congress what to do about Rice and Gonzales.

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ChicanoPwr Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 08:08 AM
Original message
Tell Congress what to do about Rice and Gonzales.
From an email I got.

Tell Congress what to do about Rice and Gonzales.

Your emails and other acts of speaking out have already had an impact. Why else would the nominations of both Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales be on hold for a week? Whether the ultimate vote will be affected or not, what matters is who will stand up for justice and what is right. With each vote in the direction of truth the movement grows stronger. So if you have not already had your say, perhaps that is the only reason your views are not being enacted. What do you think Congress should do?

These are both easy one-click forms you can use make your voice heard. They automatically look up your senators and house representative and send them your personal message all at the same time:

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Please post these links everywhere you can to everyone you know.
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ChicanoPwr Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 09:22 AM
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1. Kick! n/t
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