Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 10:47 AM by vetwife
When Bush stated in his Inaugural address that he wanted democracy brought to all of the people in the world, I must admit it sounds like a really great dream..Won't happen ! I am finding myself in utter amazement to be agreeing with Pat Buchannan and saying, "WE ARE NOT THE WORlD"S FREEDOM FIGHTERS"
People have to want Freedom. People have to want their freedoms and a democracy. This country is not even 300 years old and we have a lot of work to be done in our own backyard. I don't understand why we just can't get out of other countries business. I know, I know, the War on Terror. We have had Horrible regimes since this country has been around and I vote to mend our own fences and shore up our own borders and knock it off with trying to change everyone in the world.
I also say that there was a time that conservative meant conservative but when did all of the labels start dividing us so? I know quite a few liberals with moderate ideas and quite a few conservatives with ideas that do not fall into the category of conservatism. We need to knock it off by hurting each other and try to pull this country together. We are all Americans. Labels are not good and I can see both sides of a coin. I do think many social programs are abused and I also see a war machine and a big government with no fiscal responsibility totally out of control.
The American people are paying waaaaaaay too much attention to the media. They do not realize that We the People are the ones who need to hold those legislators on both sides accountable for their actions. It is just plain silly to think one side or the other has all of the answers. IMO. I love our veterans, our soldiers, and God and Country. Those folks in Washington really confuse me. Good example...Condi Rice...if the left or some of the right believes she is one of the architects of war..why vote to confirm her? Its hipocracy. If they feel as they always start off, that she is most respected and capable, why the long speeches. ? Am I missing something here?