I've got this at the top of my MUST SEE list.
http://www.cbc.ca/programguide/program/index.jsp?program=the+fifth+estate&network=CBC%20Television&startDate=2005/01/26&startTime=21:00Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 9:00 p.m.
Sticks and Stones
Forget the American melting pot. Today, the United States is like a nation of warring factions, where the political debate has become a yelling match between two extremes. Where once opposing political views were tolerated if not respected, there now exists a very un-civil state of affairs. It's right versus left, Republican versus Democrat, blue state versus red state.
Nowhere is this change more obvious than in the media. Talk radio and TV have become the new forum for the gladiators in this war; words the new weapons. The biggest mouths have become the biggest stars-Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter rail against what they call the liberal enemy. These days, when Americans say "liberal" or "conservative', they mean something far more profound-something that describes the fundamental way someone looks at the world; almost like a religion. And these days, it seems, everybody in the United States belongs to one camp or the other.
In Sticks and Stones, the fifth estate's Bob McKeown talks to some of the biggest stars on the left and the right of this great national, even continental, divide.