Election is over, act like it
by John Allan, columnist
I am about to state the obvious. The 2004 presidential election is over.
Politicians on both sides are saying now is the time for the nation to pull together in this experiment called democracy and show the world why our system and our country is so great. Why, then, are liberals struggling to take their Web site's own advice and move on?
If you are oblivious to newspaper letters-to-the-editor and liberal havens like the Democratic underground forums you might need to refer to car bumper stickers to see people unwilling to concede that John Kerry lost. Don't worry, such reference material is abundant in the Tri-State.
Apparently, liberals gain hope from leaving the stickers on their vehicles. Maybe their efforts will show that the election was rigged or conservatives intimidated potential voters. Maybe Bush will be magically whisked from the White House allowing Kerry to stroll onto Pennsylvania Avenue.
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This guy cause some controversy a year ago when he was pushing religious amendments in the school student government association. A few people went to his website and found his essays advocating the death penalty (by guillotine) for premarital and extramarital sex.
i'm already working on one, but if you also want to send a response (You don't have to be a student):