"The lights are on but is anyone home?"
William Bowles
Bush the smaller made his pitch to the nation over the weekend to "save civilisation" from terrorism and told us that the "frontline" was now Iraq. So Saddam disappears not only literally but also figuratively to be replaced by the generic ‘threat’ that has been the real core of the propaganda since 9/11. And in a complete volte face, Bush the smaller now wants the UN to take on its "responsibility" to pay for the war unleashed on the world by the USUK imperium.
And indeed, as with everything else that’s happened in the past months, the media daren’t utter the truth about the situation, namely that it’s unravelling faster than anyone dared predict. Of course, we get hints such as the following, unusually candid admission on the front page of the Independent (08/09/03),
administration has recently characterised Iraq as the central battleground in the war on terrorism…if this is the case, the US invasion itself has been largely responsible for making it so."
If only the Palestinians would just roll over and play dead. If only Muslims would act just like us. If only the poor of the world would accept their lot. If only Ariel Sharon would really make a deal. If only the Iraqis would accept being a captive people and let us steal their oil. It’s pointless to resist…it’s pointless to resist…it’s pointless to resist…