This is an excerpt from Robert Schuler's website:********************************************************************
Hitler was very involved in the church. He used the church and manipulated the church to accomplish his means and his ends. Here are some of the things that Hitler said in his speeches. He said, "The national government will maintain and defend the foundation on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collected morality." And Hitler went on to say, "Today Christians stand at the head of Germany. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit. We want to burn out all of the recent immoral developments in literature, in theater and in the press. In short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years." In January 1933, Hitler appointed Ludwig Mueller, who was the leader of the German Christians, to create a state church called The Great Evangelical Church, and in September they had 20,000 German Christians gather in the Berlin Sports Palace and there they affirmed their allegiance to Hitler as the leader of their church. Unbelievable! But there was a small band of men and women, theologians and pastors, who could see through this charade, who could see past this curtain that Hitler had placed in front of their eyes and could see the truth of the gospel message of who Jesus is -- a God who loves, a God who cares, a God who embraces all. They put together a group and on May 29,1934, in Barman, Germany, this small group of men gathered together and Carl Barth wrote a declaration which has since been called 'The Barman Declaration,' which established what Christianity was all about. Today those groups of churches in Germany are known as The Confessing Churches and they confess who Jesus Christ is and it is a wonderful statement. Martin Niemoeller preached a sermon later entitled "Christ is My Fuehrer," and he spent time in Dachau prison for that sermon. Most of the members of that Confessing Church were arrested and spent time in the concentration camps, and many of them died for their faith.
How this administration is using Christianity is so frightening! I'm calling on all Liberal Christians to spread the word that what this administration is doing is ANYTHING but Christian. Here is a great website to check out, (the graphics are kind of hokey, but very progressive Christian message):