Edited on Thu Jan-27-05 02:24 AM by socalover
We had blacks in Africa selling slaves during the Middle Passage, there are bad apples in every race, Condi is no exception. Evil comes in all colors, red, black, white, green and blue, including Condi, brown. Some here would disagree with Harry Belafonte, I am sorry but he was 100% correct when he referred to Condi as a classic "house negro"...
You must respect the power and smarts of Karl Rove and this Republican administration, they are playing the race card and the right wing talk show hosts are out there calling Democrats "racists" for questioning queen Condi... Amazing isn't it, the same party that suppressed freedom for blacks from the Civil Rights movement to Bush's action to kill Affirmative Action at universities, which the Supreme Court rejected, is now trying to sell to the world that Democrats are racist for simply questioning Rice on her lies about WMD...
Condi supports the killing of over 100,000 innocent civilians, over 1,400 soldiers and over 20,000 wounded of our brave and brightest for the sake of black gold, I reiterate that evil comes in all colors, including black and Karl Rove is smart enough to know that the people who have led freedom and Civil Rights in the USA, African Americans are the perfect candidates to sell their war for oil. It is why they paid Armstrong Williams, another black puppet, $240,000 to sell their policies and who knows how many countless others.
Karl Rove has the upper hand as he has backed Democrats into a corner as we are too weak to respond, another reason why I support Howard Dean for DNC chair.