(AGI) - Vatican City, Jan. 26 - The biblical image of "pray fallen into the trap of the inexorable hunter" was evoked by the Pope during today's general audience, to describe the anguish that assails man when he thinks about death. "It is like a bite that becomes ever harder", the old Pope confided,. "The bonds of existence are those of death, the ropes that torment are those of hell, that want to attract the living without ever placating them", he described revealing that the "danger of death", when experienced is often, "accompanied by psychic pain." "Sadness and anguish oppress me", the Pope said, quoting Psalm 114. "But - he added - from that tragic abyss comes a shout towards the only one who can extend a hand and pull us out of that inextricable knot." Abandoning his reading of the psalm, the Pope however recalled the prayer that Jesus's disciples, "shout" in the storm: "I beseech you, Lord: save me." "Thus implored Peter when, walking on the sea, he began to drown." And the Pope continued, "the Lord, invoked with faith, extended a hand, broke the bonds that were closing in, and dried the tears from his eyes, stopping him from falling into the hellish abyss."
As Origen wrote, the Pope said, "we are small and low, we can lengthen and look upwards, the Lord in response bends his head and listens to us." "If you, a soul return to paradise - other words from Origen quoted today - it is not because you decide it, but it is the mercy of God. If you have left paradise, it is your fault: however to return is God's mercy." Only faith can save us from the fear of death. "In the final count - the Pope commented - given that we are men and cannot become gods, God made us man and bent over us." (AGI) -
http://www.agi.it/english/news.pl?doc=200501261442-1106-RT1-CRO-0-NF11&page=0&id=agionline-eng.oggitaliaFEELS like someone's hurting badly....
Imminent re-start of the Rome murder trial of God's banker Roberto Calvi????