By Ruth Gledhill
CONCEPTS such as seven-step programmes to being a better Christian and the usual formulae for self-improvement will only feminise a man. Instead, Christian men should go on a “safari of the heart to discover a life of freedom”.
Remember that Moses did not encounter the living God “at the mall” but finds him, or is found by him, in the deserts of Sinai, far from the comforts of Egypt. And that Jacob had his wrestling match with God, not on a sofa, but in a wadi east of the Jabbok, in Mesopotamia.
“Like or not, there is something fierce in the heart of every man.” Let boys play with guns so they can learn to be real men. Remember that “the Lord is a warrior”. (Exodus 15:3) Watch James Bond or Indiana Jones rather than going to Bible study. “Each release makes it clear — adventure is written into the heart of every man.”
Embrace adventure. Rush the fields at Bannockburn, leap from the falls and save the beauty. Emulate William Wallace, rather than the traditional “limp and passive” image of Jesus. Embrace risk. Sleep out in the woods, alone. Take a walk in a thunderstorm. Swim with a pod of killer whales. Get a bull moose mad at you.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,173-1458275,00.htmlNO advice to "simply join Opus Dei"......