Paul Christian is a quadraplegic (paralysed from mid chest down) who wants to get education in computers. His parents have made all the renovations to the house so he can get around (very expensive, new sinks, new cabinets, new entry, wider doors) and are really tapped out. Besides the fact that the Veteran's administration is supposed to provide all this he has been unable to get them to help.
He posted a request for help in obtaining computer equipment on (a DC Area wantads?) and some moran wrote a really nasty note that he should stop whining and get on with his life. Anyway someone from dailykos saw the nastiness and posted all of it on this point Kossacks have donated about $1600.00 and he needs a bit more. Maybe some DUer's could help. Most of the contributions have been in the 10-20 range even a dollar would help. As a vet I am sickened that we have to go to this extreme. The VA is supposed to do this but in Bushit's empire we have litte help from them.
You can contribute to Paul via paypal. Others have sent contributions via snail mail to his home
Paul Christian
5119 Lavery Court
Fairfax, Va. 22032
If you send via snail mail you could email him at
and let him know some money is coming.