Define the Punishment Values
To understand this seeming contradiction, it is helpful to take a closer look at the values underlying the Strict Father model. Their goal is not to decrease abortions, decrease unintended pregnancies, decrease sexually transmitted diseases, or protect the health and safety of women. The goal is to apply severe punishment to teach the lesson that any non-procreative sex is wrong. These measures make the punishment for having sex much more severe. If the punishment is less severe then women can "get away with" having sex. The increase in abortions, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections are considered justifiable and acceptable losses in teaching this lesson.
We're not addressing the fact that the law is not a tool for "teaching lessons" to people who do things we don't like, UNLESS we can
justify imposing sanctions to get those lessons across.
When it is a
violation of fundamental/constitutional rights to impose sanctions on someone -- when what the person has done is
an exercise of a right and we are proposing that s/he be prohibited from exercising it, and punished for exercising it -- we MUST justify violating that right.
That point simply has to be made. That the anti-choice brigade proposes to prohibit someone from
exercising a right, and punish her from
exercising a right, and that it is just plain "unamerican" to do this.
Your constitution sets out the values that the people of the US presumably hold most supreme, including the right of individuals not to be deprived of life or liberty without due process. Why avoid discussion of that value?
How Do We Win the Debate?
1.Frame the debate in terms of our values: Responsibility, Empathy, Honesty.
individual rights.
The ones who propose to prohibit and punish are the ones who must answer the question of how they justify violating rights, and they should not be allowed to evade this question.
That's not to say that it is not worthwhile pointing to these other values. I just wouldn't be counting too hard on some of the audience feeling particularly responsible for or empathetic toward anyone else and her woes, or being particularly honest about much of anything.
Of course, I'd never count on them giving a shit about anybody else's rights, either ...