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Bush Suffering From Malignant Egophrenic Disease

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The River Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:14 PM
Original message
Bush Suffering From Malignant Egophrenic Disease
by Paul Levy

"George W. Bush is ill. He has a psycho-spiritual dis-ease of the soul, a sickness that is endemic to our culture and symptomatic of the times we live in. It’s an illness that has been with us since time immemorial. Because it’s an illness that's in the soul of all of humanity, it pervades the field and is in all of us in potential at any moment, which makes it especially hard to diagnose. Bush's malady is quite different from schizophrenia, for example, in which all the different parts of the personality are fragmented and not connected to each other, resulting in a state of internal chaos. As compared to the dis-order of the schizophrenic, Bush can sound quite coherent and can appear like such a "regular," normal guy, which makes the syndrome he
is suffering from very hard to recognize. This is because the healthy parts of his personality have been co-opted by the pathological aspect, which drafts them into its service. Because of
the way the personality self-organizes an outer display of coherence around a pathogenic core,I would like to name Bush's illness ‘malignant egophrenic (as compared to schizophrenic) disease,’ or ‘ME disorder,’ for short. If ME disorder goes unrecognized and is not contained, it can be very destructive, particularly if the person is in a position of power."

"Bush supporters are not merely disinterested in seeing that they are in denial of reality; on the contrary, they actively don’t want to look at this, which is to say they resist self-reflection at all costs. Bush and his supporters perversely interpret any feedback from the real world which reflects back their unconsciousness as itself evidence that proves the rightness of their viewpoint. All of Bush’s supporters mutually reinforce each other’s unconscious resistance to such a degree that a collective, interdependent field of impenetrability gets collectively conjured up by them that literally resists consciousness.
People who don't recognize Bush's illness and support him are unconsciously colluding with and enabling in the co-creation of the pathological field that is incarnating itself into the human family."

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Haymare22 Donating Member (133 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. Did you ever notice........
I asked a number of blues pre election era, if they noticed anything particular when they (tried) to speak with a red. All said the same thing: Yes, they (reds) all wave their arms wildly when told something in disagreement of b*sh.
Every red I know, neighbors sadly, did the same exact thing anytime disagreement was broached.
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. The Denial is Explained in Another P. Levy Article (* Supporters Deny Obv)
by Paul Levy


The evidence of Bush and Company’s corruptness and duplicity is beyond overwhelming, and it is literally everywhere, staring us in the face. Why are so many people looking away and not noticing?

The denial of people who support Bush is a form of blindness. People who support Bush are refusing to look at what is right in front of their eyes, an evil that they themselves are complicit in and participating in by their denial. People who are following Bush are acting out of their unconscious. It is as if they have fallen asleep and are dreaming, entranced by their own projections. It is as if they are bewitched, having fallen under a spell. They are living in what John Kerry calls “a fantasy world of spin,” ignoring and oblivious to any facts that contradict their worldview. It is exactly like they are hypnotized, like they are brainwashed. People who follow Bush are behaving exactly like members of a cult who have blindly and unquestioningly given away their power to their leader. They have left behind their critical thinking, dis-connecting from their capacity to discern truth from fiction. Not to mention selling their soul in the bargain. People who support Bush are suffering from a collective psychosis. Why else would they be supporting a madman for President? It is shattering to look in the mirror and see that we, as a people, have gone temporarily mad.

There is a psychic epidemic manifesting in our country right now, and millions of people in our populace have fallen prey to it. There is no sense pretending otherwise. It is of the most profound importance that we notice and understand the psychological nature of the collective malady that we, as a people, are suffering from. Understanding the psychological nature of our illness gives us insight into how to treat it.

By looking away from what Bush is doing and naively supporting him, people are complicit in and feeding Bush’s malignant psychosis. There is something about the depth of depravity, though, that is enacting itself through the Axis of Evil represented by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rice, Rove and others that is so dark that it induces in some of us a tendency to pretend that it isn’t really happening. The malevolent energy that is playing itself out through Bush is very hard to look at. People look away, as it is too horrific. The intensity of the evil provokes people to rationalize it, to justify it, to explain it away. It triggers a tendency in people to fall asleep. We like to imagine that people couldn’t be THAT corrupt, THAT two-faced, THAT evil. It is truly shocking to see the depth of depravity a human being can fall into. It is doubly shocking when we realize that these criminally insane individuals control the most powerful nation on earth.

full article at above link
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Haymare22 Donating Member (133 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:38 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. It is called.......Mystification...........obfuscation
Edited on Thu Jan-27-05 09:41 PM by Haymare22
A noun
1 bewilderment, obfuscation, puzzlement, befuddlement, mystification, bafflement, bemusement
confusion resulting from failure to understand
Category Tree:
╚cognitive_state; state_of_mind
╚confusion; mental_confusion; confusedness; disarray
╚bewilderment, obfuscation, puzzlement, befuddlement, mystification, bafflement, bemusement
2 mystification
something designed to mystify or bewilder
Category Tree:
╚object; physical_object
╚artifact; artefact
3 mystification, obfuscation
the activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered
Category Tree:
act; human_action; human_activity
╚mystification, obfuscation
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The River Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:39 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. It's the Only Explaination That Makes Sense
I see post after post wondering how and why good
Americans can allow this to happen. I guess it because
they have no choice. It's like getting the flu; it's not
something a sane person would choose to do. You can
get a shot to prevent the flu but there is no serum to
prevent this kind of madness. They only preventative
is a conscious awareness of something besides your own

Thanks for the link.
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Haymare22 Donating Member (133 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Reading thru......
...the definition(I just edited post) all the words seem to fit what we all have seen.....
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 09:48 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Link to Paul Levy's Site - Awaken In the Dream
Paul Levy, the author of the articles cited in this thread has quite a few other articles. Some are specifically on Bush; some on dreaming and spirituality; and others on various topics from Gnosticism to Jungian depth psychology.

Awaken In the Dream
The Writings of Paul Levy
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