Some of you may know that is owned by the RNC. What they did not tie up was
The goal is to create something that is funny, crude, true, clever and visually compelling. Something the crowd will spend a few minutes perusing, and hopefully taking away information on all aspects of cheating, suppression, tabulation fraud, ballot box stuffing.
Need photoshopped images, flash animations, cartoons, poems, photos of election fraud graffiti, short election fraud commentary (think in the style of Maureen Dowd or Molly Ivins). Also looking for photos of people holding up signs that communicate what they want to communicate about election fraud. My sign says, "Minority voter suppression is not equal protection." I am especially looking for people who experienced disenfranchisement for comments and photos. To submit pm or email me.
Right now it is on a staging server. Keep in mind this is just a preliminary design that needs to be populated with content.