At St. John's Episcopal in Washington, a Town Hall meeting with Koppel in the center, on his right, Sen George ( Gag Me) Allen ( R VA), Perlie Pew, and to Koppel's left, Joe Wilson and Rep Matthew Meehan ( D Mass). The focus: Iraq. Why Stay?
They took questions from various audience members. First a mother who lost a son in Iraq who disagrees with the war; then a widow of a soldier KIA who thinks 'all the deaths of soldiers would be in vain if we pulled out.'
Many military spoke up. Some to cheerlead for * and some to say "WTF?" One touching moment was when a severely wounded vet said, "If there were no weapons of mass destruction, why are we there?" Of course, they shamed him for saying so and NEVER answered his question...An Ambassador from France spoke up as well as a General, an ex Coalition provisional Authority Brown noser, an Arab dude ( who called the US' TV and Radio stations the laughing stock of the Arab world), a very cool Veteran's affairs dude who gave Allen hell ( he really reamed out a gung ho enlistee who said "the US military ALWAYS prevails. On the sofa, we all said "Huh? Viet Nam, anyone?" but then Vet dude repeated our words AND ripped everybody a new one for comparing Viet Nam and Iraq to WWII), an Iraqi who claims all iraqis love us and want us to stay, a young man who told Allen he gave a bogus answer to questions about the draft and who also asked "How legitimate can this election be." When Perlie Man said "just like elections here" a portion of the audience had an outburst....too funny!
There were many outbursts. When Allen said there was a bill to pay more for death benefits to soldiers' families, one woman( the one who lost her son?) said "I'd rather have???back." "of course you would." was all Georgie the Arrogant Asswipe Senator from Virginia could come up with.
Another funny moment, when Allen Asswipe said he hoped each Iraqi could get an oil dividend ( maybe that'll work like you tax cuts. Allen appears to believe you can buy off everybody. But then, don't all Repukes?) Koppel said, "They aren't even making enough profit off the oil to pay for the War!"
My impressions? Koppel kept it even for the most part. Senator Allen needs a humbling, Perlie Man is CONTRITE but still spewing the propaganda; Wilson is my HERO and Meehan has balls. Both Wilson and Meehan said there needs to be a change in strategy, an actual plan for getting out and TRUE International support.
There were many cheers when "DU talking points" were raised. Americans are fed up, no matter how many cheerleaders and brownnosers there are licking Bush's boots. Also, Repukes live in a fantasy land where everything is a dream for them. We live the nightmare while they are in their la-la land.
By the way, Koppel asked the White House to send a spokesperson. They declined. They have a mandate, you know, and needn't lower themselves to talk to the people.
So sorry, Founding Fathers. They've turned your Constitution into an ATM machine with no regard for the People for whom you formed this nation. A pox on all Repukes....