for not supporting bush's immoral unjust illegal supreme crime war of aggression?
Why screech and insult and denigrate and rage
only against FRANCE, when 162 nations said HELL NO? only France? Because
they wanted Americans to think exactly what the majority of Americans DID think; that the world supported bush's invasion EXCEPT for FRANCE.Distraction; a favored bushCartel ploy. Concentrate on those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, and the incredibly stupid Americans won't notice there's another 161 nations, JUST LIKE FRANCE, opposed to invading a nation that hadn't been doing anything to anyone.
Because even stupid Americans might think twice about waging a war when 162 nations that comprise 97% of the entire world's population oppose. Might be hard to feel like a Virtuous Moral American Knight On White Steed To The Rescue in that case. Might even have made Americans start questioning the bushCartel.
Of course being total rubes and stupid, the rightwingers fell for it. The majority of rightwingnuts STILL think the majority of the world supported bush's invasion:PIPA Survey:
Despite a steady flow over the past year of official statements by foreign governments and public-opinion polls showing strong opposition to the Iraq war, 59 percent of the public believed that world public opinion either favored Washington going to war (21 percent) or believed that global views were ''evenly balanced'' (38 percent).
Only 41 percent appeared aware that a majority of world public opinion opposed the U.S.-led war. how well bush's lies work on rightwing America.