I haven't seen anyone try to portray this like an American election. Even this regime can't lie that badly.
I think what you're getting at is the feeling some of us have as to what a total disgrace and sham this entire process is. To think it's legitimate is to live in a fantasyworld (which wingnuts do), but the real outrage here is how phony this entire charade is. The outrage is how so many in this country know this is a sham and are in such denial of reality they want to believe badly this really is an election.
What I find astounding is what this elected parliament is supposed to do. In six months they're supposed to draw up a completely new Constitution and then submit that for another vote. THEN, when it's ratified there'll have to be another election and that's when a President will be elected. Now it took the U.S. two years to write our Constitution and we didn't have an army of occupation outside Independence Hall.
The sheeple and kool-aid drinkers in this country desperately want to believe lies. They want to dream that his war is nothing but a video game and that we're always the good guys. Somehow this is a combination of payback and "prevention"...by creating such destruction we're making things better. Yes, I know it makes no sense, but this is denial, remember...you correct one lie with another.
Be assured on Monday this regime will claim the election was a huge success...CNNservative, Faux & MSGOP will cheer, from inside the Green Zone, how millions braved the "insurgents" (did the British call our Founding Fathers that??) and "created a democracy". The truth is we will have destroyed that country further as now losers will be out to take revenge on winners. Watch for Sadr, the Shiite militant in Baghdad, to kick up the shits if he's screwed with. Also, then there'll be the bickering as to who gets what spoils...the Kurds, the Shiite and then the Sunni. I just can't help notice how quiet our Saudi & Kuwaiti allies are in supporting this "election". Oh, and no U.N. or Arab League supervisors. But our TV screens will be flooded with people casting balots and military-types saying how all was peaceful.
The mindmeld has a long way to play out...sadly.