If you were here last March, you may remember his story. He'd been a Gitmo detainee, and he told
The Mirror stories of abuse which many here found absolutely ridiculous.
MY HELL IN CAMP X-RAY, March 12, 2004:
But Jamal's most shocking disclosure centred on the use of vice girls to torment the most religiously devout detainees.
Prisoners who had never seen an "unveiled" woman before would be forced to watch as the hookers touched their own naked bodies. The men would return distraught. One said an American girl had smeared menstrual blood across his face in an act of humiliation.
Jamal said: "I knew of this happening about 10 times. It always seemed to be those who were very young or known to be particularly religious who would be taken away.
"It was a profoundly disturbing experience for these men. They would refuse to speak about what had happened. It would take perhaps four weeks for them to tell a friend - and we would shout it out around the whole block."Perhaps we should all now take seriously his other allegations of conditions at the camp:
Punishment beating handed out by the "Extreme Reaction Force," with victims paraded in front of other prisoners.
Diet of foul black water and food ten years out-of-date.
Water would be turned off before prayers so inmates couldn't wash themselves, according to the dictates of their faith.
Unneccessary amputations were administered.
("All the men who had lost limbs complained they would chop them off high up and not bother to try to save as much as possible.")Jamal al-Harith is hunched now because the shackles which bound him were too short.
I'm just wondering - does anyone have anything they'd like to say to him?