Shields comes across as rumpled and anxious, a print journalist uncomfortable in a suit under the bright lights. Brooks is, as you say, smooth, and also younger-looking, slick and shaven. He smiles his oily smile and nods at his own cleverness. It is a very uneven matchup. Brooks can tell his lies and distort whatever he wants and is almost never called on it. He is so cocky and smug, it can come across as being sure he is right. That can be convincing for people who have a shaky grasp of the facts. He's pure slime who smiles his smarmy, smirky smile as he tells lie after lie after lie to boost the blivet** agenda.
Disgusting. I can't bear to watch it. And I blame PBS for setting it up as a "balanced" team. It isn't, and I doubt anyone in PBS management or elsewhere believes it is.