I have said many times that all of us here have a common enemy in the radical right, and we need to band together to defeat them. Many of us are wondering why America has moved so far to the right. Anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-civil liberties, pro-censorship, etc. The right wing uses religion to push it's regressive agenda. However, I don't think religion is the real culprit here. I think it just might be the almighty dollar.
One example of this is the alliance of libertarians and the religious right. On the one hand, I think those of us who oppose the right should follow this example of sticking together against a common enemy. However, I think it's appalling that the Bush-voting libertarians chose the almighty dollar over their core values of small government and personal freedom. They should have banded together with US! I think the right wing received a lot of socially moderate-to-liberal votes from people who only cared about $$$$. They handed over civil rights and civil liberties in exchange for the almighty dollar.
As far as the true social conservatives, I think they too are influenced by $$$$, directly or indirectly. Most regressive social policies seem to put money in the pockets of some powerful people. The drug laws protect oil companies and pharmaceutical companies from competition. Hemp can be an alternative form of fuel, and marijuana grown in somebody's backyard isn't profitable for big corporations. Arresting drug users and filling up the prisons with them is profitable for those who build prisons. If gay marriages or civil unions are recognized, then they will have benefits that might cost employers $$$$$$.
Of course, another reason for social conservatism is that the right wing manipulates people of faith into voting against their own self-interest. They will get them worked up about gay marriage, abortion, dirty words, etc. so they will forget about the issues that really affect them. If religious people are manipulated into voting against their own self-interests, then people in power will profit! That's the goal of conservatism: People in power profiting.