power - now that we have a ReThug controlled everything, none of the crap they've been promising their base will get passed, even though there's nothing to stop it. It's better to make half hearted gestures, blame the "obstructionist Democrats" and keep those campaign contributions pouring in. Sadly, if the House, Senate, WH and Supremes were all in the hands of the Democrats right now, I think it would be pretty much the same.
Every progressive sees the 'outright conservative bias' in the mass media - just as every true conservative seems the exact same media as horribly liberal and protecting left causes. Who's right? Both of them - the mass media exists only for the profits of it's owners. And true news reporting would cause blips and worse in the stock market, costing their owners millions. What profit to NBC to break a story wouldn't be overshadowed 10 times by the subsequent drop in GE stock? So what "shocking" news do we get to see? Scott Peterson, Kobe, Michael Jackson....The drumbeat to war was certainly good on the military industrial complex profit levels and was repeated day in, day out with all the high profile charts, graphs and "expert" pundit commentary. Now that we are there, they spoon feed only the good things, reporting numbers of registered voters that have no basis in verifiable facts - and gloss over anything that might be harmful to the owners stock values.
Our "elected leaders" are no better - regardless of party. It's all about getting re-elected. The first thing we should do in taking our country back from the corporate interests (after verifiable election reforms)is work on term limits and dismantling this entrenched 2 party system. The "consent of the governed" is not divided into exactly and only two political spectrum's - each marching blindly toward some party goals. At the end of the day, they were elected to represent "the people" - every Christian, Muslim, atheist, straight, Republican, female, gay, Catholic, Democrat in their area - to do what is best for all those people, not completely beholden to one or two at the expense of all the others.
The rare exception is the Congress-critter who arrives in DC without already being a millionaire, even rarer is the one who doesn't reach that lofty perch after being there for a few years. Catered to, ego fed, pandered and rich - what do they know or possibly remember about the common man or woman - the one who wakes up each day, struggles through work (if lucky enough to have a job), struggles to take care of their family, struggles to find time to maintain a healthy loving relationship - worrying about economic disaster in terms that the politicians know nothing about. It's not about that blip in today's stock market that cost a few thousand on paper (there's probably a tax savings somewhere that takes the sting out of even that type of loss) - it's about the very real decisions American's are having to make - cancel the health insurance so we can afford the rent and light bill - hoping to beat checks to the bank with a paycheck just to keep going. Knowing what it's like to go to bed not sure how to cover the expenses of the next day - and how close to living in the street some of these people are.