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Just WHAT are Maggie Gallagher's credentials, ANYWAY?

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NurseLefty Donating Member (489 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 04:56 PM
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Just WHAT are Maggie Gallagher's credentials, ANYWAY?
This week, we learned that 2 more pundits have whored themselves to the Bush administration. One of them is so-called marriage "expert" Maggie Gallagher. (

This morning, I heard an excerpt of an interview she did on PBS. She sounded a bit defensive about her taking $$ from HHS. But, what caught me was her proclamation of her "expertise" in her field. Here are some excerpts (
"I'm a marriage expert. I've spent 20 years on research and public education on marriage…"
"I’ve written two books on marriage. I write for scholarly articles on marriage. I attend academic conferences on marriage. You know, in my own mind, and actually I would say the New York Times would concede it in its newspaper coverage today that one of the things I am is a marriage expert in the same way that someone like Gary Wills is a historian and he also does a syndicated column..."
"I worked for HHS. I was hired as an expert on marriage to do work in my field of expertise…"

So, as I've been a student of a REAL academic who studies marriage (Pepper Schwartz, PhD) and also very aware of another reknowned academic at my school (U of Washington), Gottman Institute founder John Gottman, PhD, I wonder if their hair is on fire over the fact that a self-proclaimed expert such as Gallagher is receiving any kind of reverence as a marriage "expert".

So, I have tried to find out what Gallagher's credentials are. I visited her own website ( Her bio states:
Maggie is a nationally syndicated columnist, the author of three books on marriage (including most recently with University of Chicago Prof Linda Waite "The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier, and Better-Off Financially"), and a leading voice of the new marriage movement. National Journal named her to the 2004 list of the most influential people in the same-sex marriage debate.
Maggie is a graduate of Yale (class of ’82). She lives with her husband and two children in Westchester, New York.

She's written a few books. Big deal. And, she graduated from Yale. But in WHAT field of study?! If she can't even mention it on her own website, it makes me wonder. Does anyone out there know?

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phillysuse Donating Member (683 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. Why Maggie Gallagher is a marriage "expert"
She had an "out of wedlock" child and did not marry for many years raising her child herself and studying and writing books.

So she knows what it is like NOT to be married.

Sort of like Bush knows what it is like NOT to serve his country
in the military.

Or Strom Thurmond knew what it was like to segregate whites away from blacks except under certain cirumstances.

She's a hypocrite and a cheap one - Armstrong Williams got 10 times as much as she did from the Federal Government
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NurseLefty Donating Member (489 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. You're right - I guess that makes her a CHEAP whore.
Only 1/10 of the amt that Williams was paid - LOL!
Her life experience can provide insight, but it doesn't make her an "expert".
I am so tired of the RW's lack of credibility!
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ComerPerro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:11 PM
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2. Actually, one of the wierdest things about all this
and the whole "defending marraiage" debates is the fact that they got someone like her to help them try to strike down same-sex marriage.

I was quite puzzled when I heard Republicans on the Senate floor, while trying to pass the Amendment, say the following (to paraphrase):

"Studies show that married people are happier, live longer richer and fuller lives."

My instinctive reaction, before any logical thinking came into process at all, was "Well, then why won't they let same-sex couples marry so they can enjoy these benifits?"
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MSgt213 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:18 PM
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4. Why would she not put what degree she had on her bio on her own website
That makes no sense to me. If she had a major or minor in any thing close to what she proclaims to be an expert in there would be no reason not to list it.
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:28 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. she is and entraupenour -a self-made person--who said you
need 'credentials"
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NurseLefty Donating Member (489 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:51 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Hot dog vendors are entrepreneurs, too.
Gallagher: "I write for scholarly articles on marriage. I attend academic conferences on marriage."
It sounds like she's trying to pass herself off as an academic.

Kind of like Dr. Laura. Her whole radio show/collection of her books are built on the platform of being a "Dr.", but her PhD is in physiology, NOT psychology! (At least Schlessinger has a doctorate in SOMETHING, if nothing else.)
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Taverner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 05:53 PM
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7. She's an expert like Dr. Laura is a Psychologist
She isnt, simply put
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Zomby Woof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 06:03 PM
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8. she's just another ignorant hypocrite
I'll never forget the column she wrote some years ago decrying immigrants, and yet admitting that her husband was an immigrant, but since he came over earlier than the ones she didn't like, that's ok!
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