Have you noticed in the last several days the spin--misleading spin--the media is trying to put on the Iraqi elections?? They seem to be preparing us for a litmus test of 'success'.
They tell us that it will depend on how many Sunnis vote whether or not we have a successful election where the fractions are coming to together in the name of "Iraq" or preparing for civil war. Wellll, since there are no international poll observers in the country (they cited it was waaay to dangerous), the Bush cartel can tell the Iraqis and the world whatever the hell they want about the Sunni turnout (shades of Ohio and Florida). Bet your butt there will be "surprising and joyous" Sunni turnout and nothing less.
In addition the NY Times says that the Bush regime is in fullout mode to put a positive spin on it all and the media on cue is gushing and manipulating per White House instructions. I wonder tonight how many dimwit Americans are seeing the clips they have run for a couple days of joyous, safe, clean, bright Iraqis casting votes and talking about their joy of casting votes (all filmed here in the US of A at voting stations in this country)and thinking they are seeing the voting in Iraq----and crying about how good we have made it for these people.
The world will be able to see through it all and sort it out; but the morons this show is geared for (the American people) will not know the truth, as usual.