You are a United States citizen, or you are the citizen of another country.
They took an oath swearing loyalty to the United States of Ameria -- and yet they are actually voting for the government of another country?
Of course, the media is showing all the happy Iraqis voting in the US. Some have been here for decades. Some were even born here.
So what are they -- Iraqis, or Americans?
It is obvious that The Dark Lord has foreseen that these folks can be counted on to vote the way George W wants them to -- or none of this would be taking place. Mind you -- 10% of eligible are actually participating. One man who was interviewed said he refused to participate because he had lived the in US for 3 decades, and was a citizen who had created a life for himself here. He said he thought it was ridiculous for someone like him, who has not been in the country for years, to decide an election that will impact the people who are in fact living there and who have experienced the regime of Saddam and the occupation of the American. Spoken like a real America, don't you think?
When I (hopefully) meet Wes Clark next month, I am going to ask him why I can't vote in the elections in Yugoslavia, because my family is from there and I wish to shape the future.
Rep Meek of FL is trying to figure out why Haitians resident in the US cannot vote in Haitian elections. If Iraqis, well, why not Haitians, right?
But the slope will be slippery only for some -- and you can be sure that if George W knows he can get people to vote to do what he wants, he'll let 'em vote. These are the people who don't give a shit about democracy, but care only about power.
You said "Influence without Consequence." Bingo.
Condi and Rummy have been laying out benchmarks for success in Iraq for years -- first we would be welcomes, and then the chaos was just post-liberation celebration, and then it was Baathists intent of restoring SH to power, and then if we killed Uday and Qusay that would be the end of it, and then if we captured SH that would be the end of it, and now it's two things: when these elections are held, peace will prevail -- but only when we take on the nations that are supplying the insurgents -- Syria and Iran (um so weiter). Heck, even if they manage to keep it inside Iraq, it may well become a genocide -- and I have to say that -- because the "insurgency", sad to say, might well be ordinary Iraqis who never thought of hating or fighting Americans until horrific things started happening to them. It's horrific. Oh, and then there is the trial of SH. (Or maybe not -- enemies of Bush have ways of disappearing)
George W should have sent in first rate engineers and adminstrators, but instead he send in heavy troops and PR consultants who he hoped could shape the Iraqi mindset just like Rush and Sean and Dr Laura have done here.Oooops! -- It backfired, because the good and decent folk of Iraq are already used to being lied to and well know one when they see one. They knew SH was lying to them, and were not terribly shocked that George W breaks down all the walls only to lie to them (Iraq has a very long history, crikey -- everything has happened there one time or another). But, my point is -- Bush's emphasis was on "How can we make it LOOK?" and not "How can we make this country work?" That bullshit might play here at home among his flying monkeys, but certainly not in the region, in the rest of the world, and even in our own dear country. The Bush adminstration and their media arm are portraying this as some kind of unfolding of the Prophesies of George W Bush -- and yes, they routinely ignore the facts on the ground.