Edited on Sat Jan-29-05 11:45 PM by oscar111
at least, you will meet and get some solidarity going with other AAR fans. online petitions can be spurred by posting in du 's state forums or US democratic network, a Yahoo groups based net with forums for towns, counties etc.
free online petitions can be had.. i forget the url. try googling. then post in du state forums for getting folks aware of your petition. i suppose that is within du rules, not sure.
AAR site has a button for something like "general program feedback".. closest thing known to an addy to the AAR owners. No one seems to know of any better addy. the old one is inoperative.. my2cents@air,... not work now. Hermits? LOL
PS tell owners to end reruns, get book authors to host for free on weekends etc, to talk. No need for shy authors to take calls.. just talk, or interview each other. they are wild to get air time, as you might expect. They will do it for free, as it promotes their books.
Rush never does reruns.. guest hosts all the time. We dems are acting stupid again, doing reruns.
Urge you member of DNC and and also AFLCIO, AND truemajority and moveon.org, to fund massive expansion of AAR. Even as a money loser.
################# Radio pays for itself on election day. ###################
Rush lost money for "couple of years" at the beginning. ----->goal i saw on another thread:
#################### AAR on every radio by july 4, '06. ####################
In time to affect the House elections.
####################### Hate Radio has 1200 stations.. AAR has 40. Who do you think will win the next election? #########################