...but also made a few errors along the way.
"But aren't they still persecuted?????"
Firstly, you need to clarify who you are saying is still persecuted against? Do you mean the religious right, or do you mean the LGBT community?
Yes the religious right will play the persecution card for all its worth. They like to claim that religions are discriminated against without actually taking into account the actual meaning of discrimination.
Remember the religious right loves to play the wounded dog. And like everyone to think that the real minority groups which are persecuted against on a daily basis, really aren't persecuted against at all. (I hope that makes sense. It is coming up to midnight for me, and because I am suffering from second degree sunburn at the minute, I haven't actually had a decent night sleep in several nights.)
Their insistence at bringing their religious worldview into the political sphere and trying to legislate their personal religiously based(?) beliefs on a largely unwilling public has forced them to face the reality that not everybody thinks the same way that they do and that the public, by and large, is only willing to go so far in terms of accepting their agenda and they can't stand the fact that people might...gasp....disagree with them so they play this annoying "persecution" card to try to win sympathy votes for themselves.
You say the public is largely unwilling to have the religious rights bigoted and intolerant beliefs forced onto them. My question to you has to be, if you truly believe that, then why did 11 states pass marriage amendments banning same sex marriage(and remember some also included a Claus to ban any and all recognition of same sex relationships completely) all together?
The religious right has one thing going for it and one thing only. They use FEAR as an excellent technique of getting their beliefs out there and supported in the general public.
People say that most people these days know someone through either family or friendship that is gay. But if that is the case, how did the religious right manage to scare 11 states into submission? Because they used the FEAR card. And a public which is burnt out from three years of terrorism fear being played on them, didn't see this coming.
The media is supporting Bush* and his band of thugs 110%. So the truth behind a lot of stuff isn't actually getting out. Now you tell me how we can make Jo Redneck from the backwoods understand that the gay community isn't actually about making his two children Billy Bob and Mary Ann gay. You can't! Because Jo Redneck doesn't live where there happen to be a lot of queers. So Jo Redneck can't sit back and watch the lesbian family down the road.
That is why in the majority of nations around the world you will find that the major cities usually will swing to the left, while the country folk tend to sway to the right.
Think about this for a moment: Here we have little Johny growing up in San Francisco. He goes to one of the many diverse schools in that city. Each and every day he is exposed not only to the best education, but to just how diverse his nation is. Little Johny will most likely grow up to be tolerant of others, and not listen when the religious right comes along and says that them thar queers are all about destroying his family! Now you take little Bill Bob Redneck who has grown up in the backwoods. He attends a small little school that doesn't have the best eduction the nation has to offer. A school that doesn't have really any diversity at all. There are no queers, just little Billy Bobs running around everywhere. When Billy Bob grows up and is working on the family farm and the religious right comes along and says to him them thar queers are all about destroying your family, what do you think Billy Bob's reaction will be?
The religious right isn't about getting votes for themselves. They are about getting people into government who they know will do what ever they want for one simple reason. Those people they have placed in office love the money the religious right gives them. In return, they give the religious right what ever they want.
What is wrong with the left if we cannot organize ourselves properly and begin a movement much like the religious right, and getting people into office that will work for us? After all, it is the left that is made up of actors, artists, authors, Dr's, lawyers, etc. So there is money and intelligence on our side. But why are we so complacent as to not mobilize ourselves like they have?
instead of obsessing about legions of gays and lesbians wanting to sign up to be married
Remember, the right used the gay marriage issue against us. The LGBT community was not making moves to have gay marriage legalized in the United States at the time when Bush* came out and started talking about an amendment to the constitution.
Yes there are some queer couples that do want to get married. Sapphocrat and I hope to marry one day. But not all couples want to marry. As I said in my above post, all Sapph and I truly want is to be able to live together. And there happen to be a lot of other couples out there with more pressing issues than marriage.
As for Sapph and me, well it would be nice if our countries would recognize the validity of our marriage when we do get married, but unfortunately that won't happen at least in my country any time soon (Australia passed an amendment last year banning gay marriage here.) But regardless, for Sapph and me, no matter what our countries believe to us, in our hearts, and in our minds, and in our God's eyes, we will be married, and that is all that is important.