Edited on Mon Sep-08-03 11:41 PM by OneBlueSky
Before the invasion, Iraq was a country with a functioning infrastructure, which means there are plenty of Iraqi companies fully qualified to do the reconstruction work that is needed following the devastation of Bush's war. Not only could they do the work, but they would undoubtedly be immensely cheaper than the US companies/cronies that Bush is bringing in for the task . . . and which they don't seem at all up to. That Iraq has become a funnel to move my tax dollars to Halliburton, Bechtel, and the rest through no-bid contracts with little if any oversight and, undoubtedly, no relationship to what the real costs of getting the work done should be a MAJOR issue for the Democrats. Particularly since the VP is still getting a million bucks or more a year from Halliburton while in office and while making the decisions about the no-bid contracts. This is more than conflict of interest . . . it's criminal. And I think that the Democratic candidates and party leaders should be making a huge stink about it every day in every way. It's a winning issue if ever I saw one. Wonder why the 87 billion? A good portion of it to stuff the pockets of Bush contributors, with the full expectation of substantial kickbacks to Bush's campaign. If we're serious about re-building Iraq, we should be building up Iraqi businesses, not taking the business from them for Bush's and Cheney's personal and political benefit.