I honestly have NO idea where to put this, and considering I'd like a good bit of feedback on this if possible, I'm sticking it here.
Here is the image:

I see a lot of things I need to fix in the morning (it's 3:30 AM - almost time for me to go to sleep, probably): mainly
straighting out the columns and fixing all the windows (I threw both together very quickly - if you cross your eyes they look straight :crazy:), and cleaning up some more lines - not to mention, obviously, finishing the drawing of the capitol, adding color, and adding text.
I really don't know what I'll use this for. I figure, once I finish it, I'll stick it up here for you all to use for anything, with and without text (which'll say something like, as in the title, "Democratic Majority
" or customisable, whatever).
Any suggestions - both for usage and improvement?