Edited on Sun Jan-30-05 12:16 PM by Inland
Looking behind the total number--whether the 70% that has been pulled out the air or something realistic--you see bad days ahead.
The VARIANCE in turnout is what counts.
Huge in Shiite areas where clerics have encourage turnout, none in Sunni where the defacto powers have threatened those who turn out.
The hope of the Shiites, as encouraged by clerics, was to gain power. They have, in a huge way.
The government will not be representative if the Sunni minorities are not represented in accord with their true numbers.
Remember, this government is to write the constitution. Therefore this unrepresentative government is not something that can just be cured in the next election, assuming there is one. This government can legally, with American blessing, write a constitution with a winner take all, strong executive--essentially an elected dictator--and plan on Shiite majorities to run roughshod over minorities, including, but not limited to, rule by imams.
Of course, the first job of the strong Shiite executive will be to bring rebellious factions under his control by declaring the sunni areas under martial law and if voting is depressed in those areas in the next election......
Winner take all and damn the minorities is, by the way Bush runs his own shop, an acceptable result and democracy. Bush is on record as declaring that these elections are marvelous, super, democratic before they took place. The future "elections" are sure to pass his muster.
But the Sunnis and other minorities aren't going to accept the results. They don't think that becoming permanent second class citizens is a democratic result, and they are right. It isn't democracy but a complicated form of dictatorship.
The essence of democracy is not merely rule by the majority. It is acceptance by the minority as well. Frankly, having the same majority that rules accepting majority rule is not hard. It is having the minority accept, peacefully, the result of majority rule through a guarantee of liberties and ability to affect outcomes. That's not on the Bush radar. Bush himself is more of an elected dictator than a democratic figure.
Civil war to come.