don't forget the
repackaging process that's gone on
QUOTE(Mac2 @ Jan 30 2005, 11:57 AM)
Very good post. With you and keeping my hopes high!
- There is nothing to be gained from the pessimism....Nothing!
it's important to recognize the stacking of the deck here. that we've already gone in and determined the structure of their legal systems -- eg., anyone remember the intellectual property law we've established already -- and so, forcing the election to occur in the middle of a war where the candidates have no names and are running against, eg., iyad allawi, one of the few highly recogniaable-names that ANYONE will have had in their face, stacks the deck in favor of allawi, our hand-picked CIA guy.
thus, when the results of THIS election go to formulate a constitution, the deck's already been stacked, reshuffled and restacked, so on, a couple of times now. don't be deluded by the smoke and mirrors tricks along the way that what comes out of here will be a free-and-fair choise of iraqis.
i concede that it's moreso than they've ever experiienced. but never lose sight of the fact that when you ensure that the founding fathers are hand-picked by the US and then reshuffled from "CPA" to "interim gov" to "IGC" to "iraqi-elected" who'll then base the consitutioin upon the legal structure we set as the basis for how they will determine the consitution, it's the same strategy of repackaging in shiny new wrapper while allowing the american attention span attrition process to play out.
and voila, the other side leaves us marvelling at the new miracle product of our neoCONs. what went before is always important in determining what comes next.
pessimism? no just reality.
and we walk away thinking 'how wonderful'!
- luaptifer, reporting from the state of orwell