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Yay! We gave Freedom™ to Iraq! Only 10,000 casualties & 1/4 trillion $!

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scottxyz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:33 PM
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Yay! We gave Freedom™ to Iraq! Only 10,000 casualties & 1/4 trillion $!
Edited on Sun Jan-30-05 01:51 PM by scottxyz
So what if there's already 1,400 dead US soldiers and 10,000 US casualties!

So what if 100,000 Iraqis got killed!

So what if we got a few allies mad at us and other countries jittery about us, or set kind of a bad example about pre-emptive strikes!

So what if the Iraq War cost over 200 billion dollars and counting, a lot of that's coming back to American war-profiteering companies like Halliburton and Bechtel and Brown, Root & Kellogg and Vance anyways!

So what if the dollar's about to collapse because the President did the only tax cut ever during a war, and oil's about to get priced in Euros, and China doesn't view the dollar as a stable currency anymore!

So what if a few pictures of kinky torture got out on Al-Jazeera and the web!

So what if we cut some corners on the Geneva Conventions! Alberto Gonzalez is Hispanic, it would be racist not to support him! The same for Condi!

So what if we created a breeding ground to recruit new terrorists!

So what if we didn't find any WMDs! So what if we let a few hundred tons of some high-grade explosives slip away!

So what if we skimped a bit on protecting our ports and we might lose an American city!

So what if wounded veterans have to pay for their meals and phone-cards!

So what! It's worth a few thousand dead and wounded Americans and a few hundred billion dollars to have Freedom™ in Iraq! Anyways, the Vice President said THEY attacked US first! Well, maybe some other country near them, but we had to attack SOMEBODY back! And there were no good targets in Afghanistan, Rumsfeld said so!

Iraq has Democracy now! Just like America! I saw a happy Iraqi on CNN, voting! That's definitely worth sacrificing our Army and our Alliances and our Currency and our Security! If Kennedy doesn't agree that saving Iraq is worth destroying our Army then he's a borderline-traitor and he should be reprimanded just like Trent Lott, I just read that on Instahack and he's a law professor!

And alternative energy and conservation is pointless, remember the Vice President said so! Don't you see - that's why we really never NEEDED an "exit strategy" in the Middle East - we're actually going to stay there forever until we get the last drop of oil out of them! Plus we can get Venezuela too if we destabilize them via Columbia! You know the program - first send in the Economic Hit Men, then if that doesn't work send in the Jackals, and then if that doesn't work you can always sacrifice a few thousand Grunts!

Onward now! So what if we lose another ten thousand troops in Iran or Syria! We can always draft more because the President's No Child Left Behind Act automatically gives all our children's phone numbers to the recruiters unless the parents opt out! While we're at it, we HAVE to put Social Security into high-growth personal accounts in the stock market real quick, because the President said if you die young like African-American males do, you don't collect as much from Social Security, and with all this overseas nation-building and unprotected ports who knows how long any of us is going to live!

Boy, these are exciting times! I get such an adrenaline rush every time I see George on TV! I would sacrifice EVERYTHING for Him! My life has MEANING now that I joined the Cult of W!

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daydreamer Donating Member (503 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:43 PM
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1. If there were no oil
all of sudden Bush's interest for freedom would disappear. Didn't he say that we have no money when the Democrats in Congress tried to put some money in that defense bill last year for Darfur?
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FreedomAngel82 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:44 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Also someone once asked him
how we were going to pay for this and he replied the oil.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:48 PM
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3. Nicely said. Nicely illustrated. Great post. Sums it all up perfectly. The
thing is, what the hell do we do about it? Way too many frigging idiots are going to believe that something good happened today. That somehow the AWOL faker took civilization to a new level, an new height. You know, he let "FREEDOM REIGN". The Iraqi "George Washington" Bush is what these frigging morons will think of him. And how the hell do yo argue with millions of people who are too stupid to understand that not only did he not do something wonderful in Iraq, that they are still an occupied and exploited country, and that he did it all at the expense of OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PEOPLE? How the hell do you fix that?
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killbotfactory Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:49 PM
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4. Freedom, as in nothing left to lose
What the hell kind of liberty can you have in a chaotic war zone?
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