Ten Truths That Lead to a Single Conclusion:It's the Right Time for America to Bring Our Troops Home Now
1. As long as our troops remain in their nation, Iraqis who see themselves as freedom fighters and see us as invaders will continue the deadly struggle for their own independence.
2. Under our occupation, any Iraqi government--appointed or elected--will be seen by many, if not most, of the Iraqi people as a puppet regime.
3. American military forces are not trained for occupation, nation building, or governing a civilian society. They are trained to kill and destroy and win wars.
4. The results of our military efforts are--more often than not--the opposite of those intended. Our armed forces are sent on missions to try to root out and kill or capture insurgents. Yet with US offensive operations such as the recent destruction of Fallujah--a city of 300,000 people--we inflame the hatred of tens of thousands of additional Iraqis, and thus we produce countless more recruits for our terrorist enemies.
5. So long as American troops are ordered to raid Iraqi homes, haul away Iraqi citizens on little or no evidence, torture them and imprison them without trial, we will continue to breed more enemies of our occupation and of any Iraqi government supporting it.
6. Our invasion of Iraq was based on the faulty intelligence, wishful thinking, manipulative insinuations and outright lies originating at the highest levels of our own government:
* That Saddam had WMDs
* That Saddam played a role in 9/11
* That victory would be quick and Iraqis would greet us with flowers
* That our troop levels were adequate, planning was thorough, and rebuilding would be efficient and honest.
* That our real reason for starting the war was only our innocent desire to assure a stable Iraqi democracy.
7. Though we were told the war would pay for itself from Iraq oil revenues, in truth:
* Iraq oil revenues are unaccounted for.
* The war is costing billions and billions of American taxpayer dollars.
* Large amounts of that money are going to companies affiliated with government officials. Our Vice President remains on the payroll of the largest, Halliburton, the recipient of billions for reconstruction projects which remain unfinished.
* Our government refuses to permit any accounting for that money--even by our own U.S. Congress.
8. Instead of being fooled again, the American people are entitled to conclude that in fact:
* The true intent of the highest officials in our government is to remain there permanently to assure control over Iraqi oil fields and provide a base for Middle East military operations.
* Our president will talk about withdrawal--to placate and deceive citizens who oppose the war--but he will never withdraw willingly.
* The war will continue to serve as a cover for the diversion of billions of dollars of American taxpayers' money into the pockets of companies owned by administration cronies.
9. Without the strong opposition of American citizens, our president is likely to provoke more wars.
10. Every month the war continues, based on results so far, it will cost an additional 75 dead US soldiers, 300 wounded US soldiers, 2,500 dead Iraqis, and $15 billion wasted US dollars.