he was the joke of the invasion, but with hindsight his quotes take on a whole new meaning

"They (the U.S.) are deceiving their soldiers and their officers that aggressing against Iraq and invading Iraq will be like a picnic. This is a very stupid lie they are telling their soldiers, what they are facing is a definite death."
"Let the American infidels bask in their illusion"
"I speak better English than this villain Bush"
"These cowards have no morals. They have no shame about lying"
"I can assure you that those villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place.""The Americans, they always depend on a method what I call ... stupid, silly. All I ask is check yourself. Do not in fact repeat their lies."
"Who are in control, they are not in control of anything - they don't even control themselves!"
"We are in control. They are in a state of hysteria. Losers, they think that by killing civilians and trying to distort the feelings of the people they will win. I think they will not win, those bastards.""After Iraq aborts the invasion that is being carried out by the American and British villains, the USA will no longer be a superpower. Its deterioration will be rapid"
“We have placed them in a quagmire from which they can never emerge except dead”
"Any apparent American gains, he said, were a cunning ploy by the Iraqis to lure the enemy into a trap. "Our armed forces, according to their tactics, are leaving the way open""I have detailed information about the situation...which completely proves that what they allege are illusions . . . They lie every day."
"Now even the American command is under siege. We are hitting it from the north, east, south and west. We chase them here and they chase us there. But at the end we are the people who are laying siege to them. And it is not them who are besieging us."
"The American press is all about lies! All they tell is lies, lies and more lies!""We are winning!"