They keep on trying and even succeeding to create problems, and then try to fix them, when the problem didn't exist in the first place!!!!
Tort Reform: WTF is up with that, I ain't a damned lawyer, but I always heard that JUDGES get to decide if cases have merit or not, not law makers. Instead of killing two birds with one stone, they shoot an RPG at the tree, and pick up the 100 carcasses that fall out.
Welfare Reform: I always heard that 90% of Welfare reciepients don't stay in the program more than 2 years, and many are disabled and white, never did buy into Reagan's crap about that. What the fuck did this freaking law solve anyways, Welfare, at least the part for poor people(gotta leave the middle class alone, till the time comes to leave them high and dry too) takes up what? 2% if that of the budget, where was the problem again? BTW: Clinton gets some blame for this as well.
Partial Birth Abortion Ban(Their words): WTF was up with this shit? D+X procedure is only performed when one of two conditions are met. First, endangering the Woman's health or life, second is when the fetus will be non-viable outside the womb or is already dead. So what the hell is this supposed to accomplish? Adding burdens that cannot be enforced anyways. Seriously, how the hell can this be enforced, having docs monitored by Operation Rescue(Terrorist Organization)?
Gay Marriage Ban: This also makes absolutely no sense, its about someone else's life, not yours. WTF is up with these peeping toms anyways? I figured they would want gays to experience their suffering in matrimonial hell since that is pretty much how they view it anyways. Why restrict it at all?
SS Reform: OK, this one absolutely makes no sense, as far as I can remember, they have been crying wolf on this point, and it has been and still remains solvent. WTF is up with the Repukes on this, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, its called common fucking sense. If they get their way on this, hell, you have a busted back, and you are homeless, kicked out on the street, and then the Repukes will shoot you in the head for not being productive. OK I'm exagerrating (I think :))
I know that Repukes aren't rational, and use little to no common sense, but for crying out loud, why don't the Dems stand up to BS like this. It isn't logical at all to try to argue from a moral standpoint, because its just a bunch of stupid shit, just call it some stupid shit, and argue from common sense. Repukes have shit for brains, I swear to the Gods they do. OK done ranting!