The 2002 calendar year Form 990 return filed with the IRS lists the board of Directors as:
* Donald Paul Hodel President (former Secretary of Energy and former president of the Christian Coalition)
* T. Kenneth Cribb Jr Vice President
* James C Miller, III, Chairman
* John Seribante, Secretary/Treasurer
* Robert Fischer Director,
* Dr Dal Shealy, Director
* Howard Phillips Director
* Ken Raasch Director
* Mary Reilly Hunt Director
* Stuart W Epperson, Director
* Ann Drexel Director (also a Red Cross board member)
* Becky Norton Dunlop Director
* Jerome Ledzinski Director
* Grover Norquist Director
* E Peb Jackson Director
Staff members of the Board of Directors are:
* Steve Baldwin Executive Director (paid $157,391 in 2002)
* David Fenner, Director of MIS & Programs (paid $89,088 in 2002)
* Jennifer Rutledge Director of Finance & Administration (paid $57,504 in 2002)
Other members
Council for National Policy membership roster (, last updated July 2001.
Member Directory (
A copy of the membership roster obtained by Institute for First Amendment Studies, listed current and former members as including:
* Attorney General John Ashcroft (former member)
* Tommy Thompson,Health and Human Services Secretary (former member)
* Holland Coors and Jeffrey Coors of the Coors brewing company
* Rich DeVos Orlando Magic owner
* John Ankerberg, who believes that biblical prophecies were literal promises and are coming true;
* Dave Breese, who hosts The King Is Coming, a show devoted entirely to Christian eschatology.
* Chuck Missler, an Idaho radio host who has predicted an imminent invasion of Jerusalem by forces guided by the Antichrist.
* Pat Robertson former presidential candidate and Christian Coalition founder;
* Steve Stockman former Texas Republican Representative
* Rev. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association.
* Rev. Rousas J. Rushdoony founder of Chalcedon Foundation. (deceased)
* Williams, the founder of BAMPAC, a political action committee that promotes black conservatism.
* Sam Moore, president of Thomas Nelson, the country's most successful Christian book publishing company.
* Henry Morris Prominent creationist
* Dora Kingsley political scientist
* John W. Whitehead founder of the Rutherford Institute
* Bob Jones III President, Bob Jones University
* Phyllis Schlafly
* Oliver North
Other members who list their membership in their biographical profiles include:
* John Taylor, the chairman and president of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy <5> (
* Brent Bozell <6> (
Mark Crispin Miller adds the following members:
* Tom DeLay
* Trent Lott
* Lock Faircloth
* Ed Meese
* Howard Ahmanson
* Richard Devose, founder of Amway
* Jerry Falwell
* Tim LaHaye, Author of the Left Behind Series,
* James Robison
* Lou Sheldon, traditional values coalition
* Rev. Sun Myung Moon