I have been musing on this for a couple of weeks now.
Is moron* and his henchmen going to attack Iran? Hmmm...
Yup, I don't have a doubt. Why? You ask?
Well, just like with the failure in Vietnam, the US gov't learned from that debacle how to prepare a public for war.
Pappy bush saw to that. How to win a war and keep'em cheering, that is of course, it has to be long enough so they don't realize that the economy sucks. That was his failure.
Now we have moron*, he has at least half the country believing and cheering his bullshit and he keeps it going so no one realizes just how shitty the he has made the economy or just how screwed up his ideas are for reinventing Medicare and SS, to name a couple.
So what has he learned? -Don't march out evidence on the thinest of margins -Don't claim anyone of a number of things regarding how well we will be received -Don't say you don't have war plans on the table when you actually do and most of all. -Don't go running around telling everyone and their uncle about going to war (cnn, fox, msnbc, etc) when you keep telling the UN that you are open to diplomacy. Obviously there are many other things I have forgotten, but you get the idea.
With all that said, what is happening now, is the complete opposite. I believe this will be kept quiet up until the last moment. One fine morning, we will wake up and find we have dropped bombs on Iran's nuclear reactors and there will be late breaking news, a press conference and a televised blah blah blah to the public during prime time,(interrupting 24 or the OC...bastards) telling us that it was something that they had to do to protect us from an nuke attack from Iran.
See the first time around he needed to get reappointed, so he had to act like the beer swilling, brush clearing, pickup driving, average guy. This time, he just doesn't give a shit what we think (he will be clearing less brush and not falling off of segways). He now feels that his 1% mandate and this imaginary capital he has earned gives him right to bomb other countries. So exhausting.
So what am I trying to say? Don't expect the big media build up like we saw last time, don't expect to see embedded reporters, don't expect and shock and awe (schlock and bore) carnival or the daily military briefings of how we are helping the Iranians gain their freedom, because folks, like I just say, moron* doesn't give a shit.