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Bush won't change

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sujan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:22 AM
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Bush won't change
majority of the citizens of the United States, and particularly those in Utah, incredibly, still show support in the polls for Bush administration policies. In so doing, they will have mostly themselves to blame for allowing the administration to wreck the U.S. economy and destroy our foreign relations for at least the next decade.
In spite of clear reports from federal agencies such as the Congressional Budget Office, which last week projected a record $401 billion deficit this year and $480 billion in 2004, levels far above those seen under any previous administration, the Bush administration refuses to change the policies which have produced this deficit.
The same goes for mishandling the Iraq war, creating an economy which has lost over a million jobs. The administration refuses to change because they think the polls show their misguided policies still have the support of the American people.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:45 AM
Response to Original message
1. we are a divided nation
Edited on Tue Sep-09-03 06:47 AM by xchrom
there are millions of people who support the conservative agenda no matter what -- or how self destructive, in fact i think one could make an argument that neo-conservatism has self destruction damn near built in.
millions of others support a left wing agenda or progressive if you will -- who, because of decades of right-wing demonizing, no longer see the need to find a middle ground. you can also debate the pros and cons of beurocratic stagnation as a result of the dem party dominance in the years following ww2.
and then there's the millions of folk who for a variety of reasons -- never seem to make it to the polls -- even in the waje of 9-11, amazingly.
bush, to me, remains the symbol of our times -- the symptom of our disease. capitalist-imperialism. it's paralyzing our country -- not to mention what it's doing to the rest of the world.
no, bush won't change -- that would mean a sea-change in his personality -- and he's not capable of that. few conservatives ever could be.
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