The proposed resolution, up for discussion in many town meetings (upward to 50) mandates that the towns request the state General Assembly investigate whether the present use of the Guard is unconstitutional, and whether such use jeopardizes the safety of Vermont citizens in the event of an emergency in the state.
For those who are not aware, VT still has town meeting day, where each citizen is afforded the opportunity to be heard, discuss, debate, and vote in public forum. Most towns pass school budgets and even the tiniest business this way. Our town even discussed care of the local cemetery, including whether to buy a new wheelbarrow. It's an amazing display of real democracy in action and every citizen who wants to attend is even given the day off from work to do so.
The discussion at town meetings about use of the Guard might segue into a forum on the war itself, which is siphoning off an enormous amount of money, necessitating funding cuts for all states. The people in these Vermont small towns believe this is a relevant issue.
We may be small, but we're wirey! And perhaps more states, working at a grassroots level, should discuss this same issue. Backdoor draft or not, another way to attack the problem would be a good idea.