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Republicans, Iraq, and Revisionist History (the ever changing rationales)

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Sandpiper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:09 PM
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Republicans, Iraq, and Revisionist History (the ever changing rationales)
Lest anyone forget, the reason for IWR and the original justification for the invasion was that Iraq had a ghastly arsenal of WMD that were a threat to us and our way of life.

Since that turned out to be a load of crap, Republicans have been trying to stomp the real rationale down the memory hole since day 1, and have tried to tell us that Bush was right because:

1) Baghdad fell! Mission Accomplished!!! -- well that's great, but what did that have to do with WMD?

2) Saddam Hussein has been caught! -- again, that's nice, but unless he was sitting on a pile of WMD in his spider hole, how did that make Bush right?

3) We've held an election! -- Well, good. But when did holding an election become the rationale for invasion?

Since their original premise for invading Iraq was utterly unjustified and demonstrably false, the only way they can make Bush "right" now is if they succeed in changing the subject.

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cdb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:18 PM
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1. The terrorists have been defeated!
Now that the election has been held, terrorists have been defeated. I guess we will not see anymore "insurgents" attack?

Remember elections = no terrorists. The war on terror has been won!!

"interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi called on his fellow Iraqis to set aside their differences and come together. Allawi also told reporters in a news conference that the election should send a signal to the insurgents.

"The terrorists now know they cannot win," he said."
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