31, 2005 -- IS Mary Mapes, the only CBS News staffer fired in the wake of Memogate, about to spill her guts on ABC? Sources say that Mapes — Dan Rather's longtime producer who obtained the bogus National Guard memos — has been wooed by rival ABC stars Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters. Mapes is said to be leaning toward Sawyer. The Mapes interview, timed to air before before Rather retires from his evening news anchor chair on March 9, will be helpful to Mike Walker, the venerable gossip columnist for the National Enquirer. Walker has a book, "Rather Dumb: A Top Tabloid Reporter Tells CBS How to Do News," coming out in two weeks in which he gleefully takes on Rather and the rest of "the media elite." Walker argues that he and his dirt-digging colleagues at the tabloids are far better at investigating dubious documents than the over-educated "journalists" at the networks. "We know about documents," Walker told PAGE SIX. "The Enquirer has specialized in going through people's garbage. For CBS, it's amateur night in Dixie." The book is being published by Nelson Current, an imprint of Thomas Nelson in Nashville, Tenn., the world's largest publisher of Bibles.