That moron Joe Scarborough is at it again, spewing lies faster than Bush can take credit for inventing democracy.
This time he dumped a vile load of garbage on Wesley Clark, just out-and-out lying about Clark’s views on the Iraqi election. It was all part of Scarborough's "Iraqi election" hysteria, culminating in an ugly tirade in his MSNBC blog, where he accused Democrats “like Ted Kennedy, Madeline Albright and Wesley Clark”, of “comforting the terrorists”.
Please e-mail MSNBC and say you think that Scarborough should issue an apology ( and cc: it to
A 2-4 sentence e-mail is all that's needed.
It can say something along the lines of:
"Joe Scarborough should apologize to Wesley Clark and other Democrats for what he wrote in his January 29th blog. It’s painfully obvious that Scarborough is making a partisan political attack. If you will review the transcript of Wesley's Clark's January 24th appearance on Scarborough's show, you will see that General Clark repeatedly said he thought holding the elections in Iraq was a great thing and a positive step. MSNBC should be ashamed to print such outright lies and politically-motivated attacks."
(Sure, go ahead, use the paragraph above -- just paste it into your e-mail, making changes as you see fit -- or don't make any changes at all -- we're looking for sheer numbers of e-mails here, not Faulkner-esque prose. When stations get 100 or more e-mails all on the same subject, they’re more likely to pay attention.
This is a link to a post by a DUer who caught Scar-butto red-handed in malicious lies about what Clark said: is a link to the MSNBC blog where Scarborough dumped his load of crap about Democrats: if you can do this……….please kick this post if you think this is worthwhile and let me you any comments/suggestions you have….