There was a lot I didn't put in today's column ( because the issue is so personal for me that it brings up a lot of stuff I don't feel like talking about where the Freepers can see it. One thing, certainly, is the decision about whether to have children, which my partner and I have been agonizing over for several years, and which will have to come to a head pretty soon because we're not getting any younger. Another is the fact that one of our friends, who's in her early 60s, is about to lose her partner to ovarian cancer, and watching that happen is just heartbreaking--and it is absolutely infurating to see the assholes on the right braying about how we don't have real relationships and we're not real families and we should be hidden away from the children when we are trying to figure out how to take care of our poor friend and her dying partner because the dying partner's asshole family is not around because they never could deal with her sexual orientation and of course neither of them ever had children.
For a lot of gay people, when we hear "We Are Family," we're thinking about our friends in the gay community, because historically we've had to fill in for each other in place of the biological families that have abandoned or rejected our us. Liza and I are both lucky enough now to have supportive families (my mother took, like, 10 years to get there, but still), but our friends are from about a half-generation earlier, and it just is insane thinking that this woman is going to die with her brother still turning his back on her because he's an asshole using Christianity to justify and intensify all his childhood resentments.
You know, these are the most serious things in the world--love and family and community. And to have those fuckers at Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council running around spreading their filth, at a time like this, is just too much.
I have been reading a lot of 18th century plays lately, and Bush's resort to the language of "liberty" and "tyranny" makes him sound exactly like the hero of a neoclassical tragedy, complete with bombast. The reason for the coincidence, of course, is that our founding fathers and their documents all come out of the same period, and they were all influenced by the same language, and Bush is desperately trying to sound like them. In my head, this whole drama has started to take on a neoclassical flavor. Here's something I never ended up including in the column, about the whole idea of tolerance and why it doesn't compute:
All we want is to be able to enjoy the same rights and freedoms that heterosexuals have, including the right to marry and the right to raise a family. That's all. Really.
(Enter AMAZONIGARTHA, in battle dress, with the severed head of a church elder dangling from her girdle, followed by a retinue of amazons, martially attired, whooping in barbarous celebration.)
AMAZONIGARTHA: Praised be Bilitis for this victory!
Name we this counry AMAZONICA.
And now we've conquered, know ye what to do:
Seek out the families sheltered in their homes,
And while the timid fathers look not on,
Debauch their wives--ay, and their daughters too--
Till from their husbands by some wily craft
They win the precious, the life-giving sperm,
And bring safe to us here in the camp.
Then BREED, my sisters! From your mighty wombs
Bring forth a legion of young warriors
Who'll grow till they o'erwhelm them at the polls,
ANd make complete all our dominion.
And when the Goddess calls me to her breast,
May I be damn'd if then within the bounds
Of all this country there can still be found
A woman who'd endure a man's embrace,
Or man who'd dare to call his seed his own!
(Exeunt omnes cackling in wild exultation.)
I may be crazy, but I'm not as crazy as this goddamn world. I'm not watching the SOTU tonight; there's no way I can take it. But I bet it will be even more bombastic than that.
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